Here's my original SOOC. I feel that the bright colors could looks so beautiful with her dress and hair but it's not working here. Also her face is obviously too dark. I could really use some help with this one!
Shot with Canon 40D Tamron Lens 18-250mm f/10.0 1/250 sec ISO 400
Focal Length 39 mm Exp +2
Here is my edited version, or rather where I gave up trying to edit. It just seemed to go from bad to worse and I quit when I seemed to be washing out all the bright colors.
I honestly can't say everything I tried with this edit as I tried a little of everything. The program I'm working with is Photoshop Elements 4.0. (If I can get alot of you to say that it's a completely outdated program and not worth the time maybe I can get my husband to buy me the complete Photoshop, hint hint!! :-D) Needless to say, I tried using a screen layer to bring out her face at one point. I know I did a slight color burn layer at one point. And I played with the levels
alot!!! That's about all I can remember!! Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much for looking!! Everyone needs to check out
i ♥ faces.